Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pyramid Scheme Trio debut

My new group The Pyramid Scheme Trio will be debuting with a performance tonight in Turners Falls Massachusetts. The Phantom Brain Exchange is a very cool event with lots of stuff happing and is worth the drive out there.

Montague Phantom Brain Exchange #4
Wednesday, April 30th, 9pm $5.
at the Rendezvous
78 3rd St
Turners Falls, MA 01376

"Welcome to the Space Jams" 16mm films by Weissbach, Balcom & more.
Bill Nace (solo prepared guitar & electronics)
Pyramid Scheme (Starpoli - trombone, Cuneo - drums, Signore - sax)
lecture on Quantum Mechanics by James Atkinson
DJ Tumblecat Poof Poofy Poof